Not for the faint of heart

Last night, Miss. State beat Florida in basketball.   I didn’t watch the game, but kept hearing about Elgin Bailey, a State player, hurting his ankle in the game.  Understatement.  Below is the video.  If stuff like that makes you queasy….don’t watch.

Prayer and other things

This week, our church is in the middle of a 24/7 week of prayer.  People are coming to the church to pray for an hour at a time…around the clock.  Last night, from 10 P.M. to 11 P.M. was my hour.  It is always a GREAT time to focus on the Lord.  Both listening and speaking.  I can't explain the time.  It's just a spiritual moment to set aside an hour to focus on praises, petitions, and lifting up our church, others, those in need, and those he has blessed.  Great time.

This morning, I've been studying and reading a lot on the Lord's Supper.  We are about to enter into a 4 week personal preparation leading up to the Lord's Supper on April 5th.  This will be an excellent time as we each prepare and recognize the significance of the Lord's Supper. 

I've also been editing video, one of the responsibilities I picked up when Bro. Neil left.  Fortunately, Tuesday night, I am going to be training a handful of people on how to do this.  Hopefully, I'll be able to turn it over to them completely in the next few weeks.  It is a great opportunity for some techies to get involved in ministry. 

Now….I have a headache and I'm hungry.  They are probably related, so I think I'll go eat some lunch at home. 

Back to mentoring

We were back at the elementary school today for mentoring.  Our time has changed, as well as the date.  We had a great time with about 17 of the 6th graders today.  You know what's great about this?  It's real life, front-line stuff with kids.  Kids with real problems they deal with every day.  Good homes, broken homes, single-parent, divorced, middle-class, upper, lower, etc.  It doesn't matter.  Everyone needs a positive influence in their lives.  It's my prayer that we are able to give some stability and a place where they can be influenced with the right stuff.  Pray for us as we invest in the lives of these 6th graders.  


The following content is confessional in nature.  If you don't want to read it…..stop now.

Confession:  I go through the checkout line at WalMart that sells cigarettes more than any other line.  I do this because it always has the shortest line.  I would say I go through this line 75% of the time.  I have no shame in this.  It doesn't bother me that people may think I'm there for cigarettes.  I'm checking out faster because of this line.  It is one of those "secrets" of WalMart that you should just share with some people (the few who actually read this blog).   

Observation in going through this line:  Nicorette gum, or the off brand, starts at about $24 for a pack of 40 pieces.  Wow.  I'm not sure whether its cheaper to try and quit smoking or not.  It sure is healthier.  We definitely need to take care of our bodies. 

March 1st already

Ok….every month flies by.  It just seems like they are going by faster and faster.  I am 2 months away from being at Agricola for 6 years.  It seems like yesterday some days.  On others, it seems like I've been here a lot longer.  Anyway, I am concluding a DT class tonight called "The Life You've Always Wanted".  It is a different approach to spiritual disciplines.  I have to say that the study has been great.  I have really enjoyed the time we've spent going through the study.  Next week, I'll start a 3-4 week series on The Lord's Supper.  The entire church will be focusing on the Lord's Supper for the next month, culminating on April 5th with the Lord's Supper being served. 

So….here I sit about 40 minutes before my final class on the disciplines begins.  I pray that the next study will be a fruitful one too!!

Yesterday and last night:  Micah had 3 friends spend the night.  We all had a great time.  But having four 7-8 year olds will give you a run for your money!!  We did lots of fun stuff.  Boy…was I glad to see today come!! Ha!!